Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Patience is the key word

It's been a week of waiting and trying to remain sane whilst waiting for word to return to SA for some work and respite.
Anyway think it's going to be this weekend, either way.
In the meantime I thought, I'll share a new blog layout with one of my favourite things here as the hero title shot: The African Rainbow Lizard (Agama) absolutely prolific here, just about everywhere. Funny things these, when they nod their little crinkly heads in approval whilst sprinting past you. Puts a smile on one's dial when feeling low...
And another not so good discovery-have been advised not to buy or drink the local juices anymore, even though most are manufactured under license 3 people died just recently with heavy poisoning after consuming juice. One also never knows whether one drinks the real thing or an exact copy manufactured in some filthy backyard-even milk and milk powered for babies, refined with that lovely stuff from our Chinese brothers-Melanine, was it? I mean, EVERTHING is being copied here!
Nice for advertising agencies, because we have to relaunch our clients packaging every few months to keep abreast of replicas. Not so nice for consumers, with many poisonings and deaths from stuff riddled with bacteria. They fake medications too!
Nigeria is its own worst enemy! So sad...I've just about nothing left I can eat safely here-NOTHING, okay? Am basically living of carbs and vitamin pills. The meat from the only supplier 'Goodies Supermarket" stinks now as well and even the chicken breasts hen I fried one the other night in olive oil and lemon was inedible. It just smells foul. Eggs too.
My skin and hair is taking a major knock with all the disinfecting poison I have to wash in, wash everything in and am permanently covered in. On top of that goes the pollution of the thousands of generators diesel fumes spewing into the air from every house, office building and truck. I'm feeling toxic!
No, it is not "Not so bad"!
Need to go home urgently now to get some good nutrition into me and detox. And will return with a suitcase full of groceries from SA.

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