Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ester-a view from the slums

Esther, 24, lives in a house built on Kuramo Beach, a tiny spit of sand attached to Victoria Island, Lagos's most upmarket neighbourhood.

"I've just finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I thought it was beautiful and exciting, and I want to read the next one in the trilogy, but I haven't been able to find a copy anywhere. I pray to God that he will provide one. I love to read so much.

"This is me, outside my house on Kuramo beach. It's a small stretch of sand attached to Victoria Island, one of the most upmarket neighbourhoods in Lagos. Everyone thinks only drug addicts, armed robbers and prostitutes live here, but they never come to find out the truth. I've lived on the beach for almost eight years. There's about 1,000 of us here. Shopkeepers, motorbike taxi drivers, even businessmen who work in banks. My best friend, Lati, runs a cinema house next to where I live. We watch Nollywood movies, and all the Chelsea matches. I could never be friends with anyone who supports Manchester United. They are the Red Devils. They are devilish. Maybe they are using their devilish substance to win all the major trophies they have been winning. I hate them. Their nickname is very bad. Up Chelsea! Blues for life!

"My house cost about £60 to build. You have to buy the wood and tarpaulins, and then pay a tax to the local chairman. I like to keep it very clean. When I was arguing with my husband, we had a big fight about who was going to get the house. I wasn't going to let him leave me homeless, with nowhere to go.

"In this picture, I'm getting dressed up for church. I'm a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. On the first Friday of every month they hold a 'miracle service'. Sometimes there's more than a million people praying together; it's quite fantastic, and then I know God will never give up on me ..."

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